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jc - JSON Convert top -b command output parser

Requires batch mode (-b). The -n option must also be used to limit the number of times top is run.

Warning messages will be printed to STDERR if truncated fields are detected. These warnings can be suppressed with the -q or quiet=True option.

Usage (cli):

$ top -b -n 3 | jc --top


$ jc top -b -n 3

Usage (module):

import jc
result = jc.parse('top', top_command_output)


All - values are converted to null

    "time":                                         string,
    "uptime":                                       integer,
    "users":                                        integer,
    "load_1m":                                      float,
    "load_5m":                                      float,
    "load_15m":                                     float,
    "tasks_total":                                  integer,
    "tasks_running":                                integer,
    "tasks_sleeping":                               integer,
    "tasks_stopped":                                integer,
    "tasks_zombie":                                 integer,
    "cpu_user":                                     float,
    "cpu_sys":                                      float,
    "cpu_nice":                                     float,
    "cpu_idle":                                     float,
    "cpu_wait":                                     float,
    "cpu_hardware":                                 float,
    "cpu_software":                                 float,
    "cpu_steal":                                    float,
    "mem_total":                                    float,    # [0]
    "mem_free":                                     float,    # [0]
    "mem_used":                                     float,    # [0]
    "mem_buff_cache":                               float,    # [0]
    "swap_total":                                   float,    # [0]
    "swap_free":                                    float,    # [0]
    "swap_used":                                    float,    # [0]
    "mem_available":                                float,    # [0]
    "processes": [
        "pid":                                      integer,
        "user":                                     string,
        "priority":                                 integer,
        "nice":                                     integer,
        "virtual_mem":                              float,    # [1]
        "resident_mem":                             float,    # [1]
        "shared_mem":                               float,    # [1]
        "status":                                   string,
        "percent_cpu":                              float,
        "percent_mem":                              float,
        "time_hundredths":                          string,
        "command":                                  string,
        "parent_pid":                               integer,
        "uid":                                      integer,
        "real_uid":                                 integer,
        "real_user":                                string,
        "saved_uid":                                integer,
        "saved_user":                               string,
        "gid":                                      integer,
        "group":                                    string,
        "pgrp":                                     integer,
        "tty":                                      string,
        "tty_process_gid":                          integer,
        "session_id":                               integer,
        "thread_count":                             integer,
        "last_used_processor":                      integer,
        "time":                                     string,
        "swap":                                     float,    # [1]
        "code":                                     float,    # [1]
        "data":                                     float,    # [1]
        "major_page_fault_count":                   integer,
        "minor_page_fault_count":                   integer,
        "dirty_pages_count":                        integer,
        "sleeping_in_function":                     string,
        "flags":                                    string,
        "cgroups":                                  string,
        "supplementary_gids": [
        "supplementary_groups": [
        "thread_gid":                               integer,
        "environment_variables": [
        "major_page_fault_count_delta":             integer,
        "minor_page_fault_count_delta":             integer,
        "used":                                     float,    # [1]
        "ipc_namespace_inode":                      integer,
        "mount_namespace_inode":                    integer,
        "net_namespace_inode":                      integer,
        "pid_namespace_inode":                      integer,
        "user_namespace_inode":                     integer,
        "nts_namespace_inode":                      integer,
        "control_group_name":                       string,
        "lxc_container_name":                       string,
        "numa_node":                                integer,
        "out_of_mem_adjustment":                    integer,
        "out_of_mem_score":                         integer,
        "resident_anon_mem":                        integer,
        "resident_file_backed_mem":                 integer,
        "resident_locked_mem":                      integer,
        "resident_shared_mem":                      integer

[0] Values are in the units output by `top`
[1] Unit suffix stripped during float conversion


$ top -b -n 3 | jc --top -p
    "time": "11:20:43",
    "uptime": 118,
    "users": 2,
    "load_1m": 0.0,
    "load_5m": 0.01,
    "load_15m": 0.05,
    "tasks_total": 108,
    "tasks_running": 2,
    "tasks_sleeping": 106,
    "tasks_stopped": 0,
    "tasks_zombie": 0,
    "cpu_user": 5.6,
    "cpu_sys": 11.1,
    "cpu_nice": 0.0,
    "cpu_idle": 83.3,
    "cpu_wait": 0.0,
    "cpu_hardware": 0.0,
    "cpu_software": 0.0,
    "cpu_steal": 0.0,
    "mem_total": 3.7,
    "mem_free": 3.3,
    "mem_used": 0.2,
    "mem_buff_cache": 0.2,
    "swap_total": 2.0,
    "swap_free": 2.0,
    "swap_used": 0.0,
    "mem_available": 3.3,
    "processes": [
        "pid": 2225,
        "user": "kbrazil",
        "priority": 20,
        "nice": 0,
        "virtual_mem": 158.1,
        "resident_mem": 2.2,
        "shared_mem": 1.6,
        "status": "running",
        "percent_cpu": 12.5,
        "percent_mem": 0.1,
        "time_hundredths": "0:00.02",
        "command": "top",
        "parent_pid": 1884,
        "uid": 1000,
        "real_uid": 1000,
        "real_user": "kbrazil",
        "saved_uid": 1000,
        "saved_user": "kbrazil",
        "gid": 1000,
        "group": "kbrazil",
        "pgrp": 2225,
        "tty": "pts/0",
        "tty_process_gid": 2225,
        "session_id": 1884,
        "thread_count": 1,
        "last_used_processor": 0,
        "time": "0:00",
        "swap": 0.0,
        "code": 0.1,
        "data": 1.0,
        "major_page_fault_count": 0,
        "minor_page_fault_count": 736,
        "dirty_pages_count": 0,
        "sleeping_in_function": null,
        "flags": "..4.2...",
        "cgroups": "1:name=systemd:/user.slice/user-1000.+",
        "supplementary_gids": [
        "supplementary_groups": [
        "thread_gid": 2225,
        "environment_variables": [
        "major_page_fault_count_delta": 0,
        "minor_page_fault_count_delta": 4,
        "used": 2.2,
        "ipc_namespace_inode": 4026531839,
        "mount_namespace_inode": 4026531840,
        "net_namespace_inode": 4026531956,
        "pid_namespace_inode": 4026531836,
        "user_namespace_inode": 4026531837,
        "nts_namespace_inode": 4026531838

$ top -b -n 3 | jc --top -p -r
    "time": "11:20:43",
    "uptime": "1:18",
    "users": "2",
    "load_1m": "0.00",
    "load_5m": "0.01",
    "load_15m": "0.05",
    "tasks_total": "108",
    "tasks_running": "2",
    "tasks_sleeping": "106",
    "tasks_stopped": "0",
    "tasks_zombie": "0",
    "cpu_user": "5.6",
    "cpu_sys": "11.1",
    "cpu_nice": "0.0",
    "cpu_idle": "83.3",
    "cpu_wait": "0.0",
    "cpu_hardware": "0.0",
    "cpu_software": "0.0",
    "cpu_steal": "0.0",
    "swap_total": "2.0",
    "swap_free": "2.0",
    "swap_used": "0.0",
    "mem_available": "3.3",
    "processes": [
        "PID": "2225",
        "USER": "kbrazil",
        "PR": "20",
        "NI": "0",
        "VIRT": "158.1m",
        "RES": "2.2m",
        "SHR": "1.6m",
        "S": "R",
        "%CPU": "12.5",
        "%MEM": "0.1",
        "TIME+": "0:00.02",
        "COMMAND": "top",
        "PPID": "1884",
        "UID": "1000",
        "RUID": "1000",
        "RUSER": "kbrazil",
        "SUID": "1000",
        "SUSER": "kbrazil",
        "GID": "1000",
        "GROUP": "kbrazil",
        "PGRP": "2225",
        "TTY": "pts/0",
        "TPGID": "2225",
        "SID": "1884",
        "nTH": "1",
        "P": "0",
        "TIME": "0:00",
        "SWAP": "0.0m",
        "CODE": "0.1m",
        "DATA": "1.0m",
        "nMaj": "0",
        "nMin": "736",
        "nDRT": "0",
        "WCHAN": "-",
        "Flags": "..4.2...",
        "CGROUPS": "1:name=systemd:/user.slice/user-1000.+",
        "SUPGIDS": "10,1000",
        "SUPGRPS": "wheel,kbrazil",
        "TGID": "2225",
        "ENVIRON": "XDG_SESSION_ID=2 HOSTNAME=localhost S+",
        "vMj": "0",
        "vMn": "4",
        "USED": "2.2m",
        "nsIPC": "4026531839",
        "nsMNT": "4026531840",
        "nsNET": "4026531956",
        "nsPID": "4026531836",
        "nsUSER": "4026531837",
        "nsUTS": "4026531838"


def parse(data: str, raw: bool = False, quiet: bool = False) -> List[Dict]

Main text parsing function


data:        (string)  text data to parse
raw:         (boolean) unprocessed output if True
quiet:       (boolean) suppress warning messages if True


List of Dictionaries. Raw or processed structured data.

Parser Information

Compatibility: linux

Source: jc/parsers/

Version 1.2 by Kelly Brazil (