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jc - JSON Convert Syslog RFC 3164 string streaming parser

This streaming parser outputs JSON Lines (cli) or returns an Iterable of Dictionaries (module)

This parser accepts a single syslog line string or multiple syslog lines separated by newlines. A warning message to STDERR will be printed if an unparsable line is found unless --quiet or quiet=True is used.

Usage (cli):

$ echo '<34>Oct 11 22:14:15 mymachine su: su ro...' | jc --syslog-bsd-s

Usage (module):

import jc

result = jc.parse('syslog_bsd_s', syslog_command_output.splitlines())
for item in result:
    # do something


  "priority":                   integer/null,
  "date":                       string,
  "hostname":                   string,
  "tag":                        string/null,
  "content":                    string,
  "unparsable":                 string,  # [0]

  # below object only exists if using -qq or ignore_exceptions=True
  "_jc_meta": {
    "success":      boolean,     # false if error parsing
    "error":        string,      # exists if "success" is false
    "line":         string       # exists if "success" is false

[0] this field exists if the syslog line is not parsable. The value
    is the original syslog line.


$ cat syslog.txt | jc --syslog-bsd-s -p
{"priority":34,"date":"Oct 11 22:14:15","hostname":"mymachine","t...}
{"priority":34,"date":"Oct 11 22:14:16","hostname":"mymachine","t...}

$ cat syslog.txt | jc --syslog-bsd-s -p -r
{"priority":"34","date":"Oct 11 22:14:15","hostname":"mymachine","...}
{"priority":"34","date":"Oct 11 22:14:16","hostname":"mymachine","...}


def parse(data: Iterable[str],
          raw: bool = False,
          quiet: bool = False,
          ignore_exceptions: bool = False) -> Union[Iterable[Dict], tuple]

Main text parsing generator function. Returns an iterable object.


data:              (iterable)  line-based text data to parse
                               (e.g. sys.stdin or str.splitlines())

raw:               (boolean)   unprocessed output if True
quiet:             (boolean)   suppress warning messages if True
ignore_exceptions: (boolean)   ignore parsing exceptions if True


Iterable of Dictionaries

Parser Information

Compatibility: linux, darwin, cygwin, win32, aix, freebsd

Source: jc/parsers/

Version 1.0 by Kelly Brazil (