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jc - JSON Convert Syslog RFC 5424 string parser

This parser accepts a single syslog line string or multiple syslog lines separated by newlines. A warning message to STDERR will be printed if an unparsable line is found unless --quiet or quiet=True is used.

The timestamp_epoch calculated timestamp field is naive. (i.e. based on the local time of the system the parser is run on)

The timestamp_epoch_utc calculated timestamp field is timezone-aware and is only available if the timezone field is UTC.

Usage (cli):

$ echo <165>1 2003-08-24T05:14:15.000003-07:00 192.0.2... | jc --syslog

Usage (module):

import jc
result = jc.parse('syslog', syslog_string)


Blank values converted to null/None.

    "priority":                   integer,
    "version":                    integer,
    "timestamp":                  string,
    "timestamp_epoch":            integer,  # [0]
    "timestamp_epoch_utc":        integer,  # [1]
    "hostname":                   string,
    "appname":                    string,
    "proc_id":                    integer,
    "msg_id":                     string,
    "structured_data": [
        "identity":               string,
        "parameters": {
          "<key>":                string
    "message":                    string,
    "unparsable":                 string  # [2]

[0] naive timestamp if "timestamp" field is parsable, else null
[1] timezone aware timestamp available for UTC, else null
[2] this field exists if the syslog line is not parsable. The value
    is the original syslog line.


$ cat syslog.txt | jc --syslog -p
    "priority": 35,
    "version": 1,
    "timestamp": "2003-10-11T22:14:15.003Z",
    "hostname": "",
    "appname": "evntslog",
    "proc_id": null,
    "msg_id": "ID47",
    "structured_data": [
        "identity": "exampleSDID@32473",
        "parameters": {
          "iut": "3",
          "eventSource": "Application",
          "eventID": "1011"
        "identity": "examplePriority@32473",
        "parameters": {
          "class": "high"
    "message": "unauthorized attempt",
    "timestamp_epoch": 1065935655,
    "timestamp_epoch_utc": 1065910455

$ cat syslog.txt | jc --syslog -p -r
    "priority": "35",
    "version": "1",
    "timestamp": "2003-10-11T22:14:15.003Z",
    "hostname": "",
    "appname": "evntslog",
    "proc_id": null,
    "msg_id": "ID47",
    "structured_data": "[exampleSDID@32473 iut=\\"3\\" eventSource...",
    "message": "unauthorized attempt"


def parse(data: str, raw: bool = False, quiet: bool = False) -> List[Dict]

Main text parsing function


data:        (string)  text data to parse
raw:         (boolean) unprocessed output if True
quiet:       (boolean) suppress warning messages if True


List of Dictionaries. Raw or processed structured data.

Parser Information

Compatibility: linux, darwin, cygwin, win32, aix, freebsd

Source: jc/parsers/

Version 1.0 by Kelly Brazil (