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jc - JSON Convert stat command output parser

The xxx_epoch calculated timestamp fields are naive. (i.e. based on the local time of the system the parser is run on)

The xxx_epoch_utc calculated timestamp fields are timezone-aware and are only available if the timezone field is UTC.

Usage (cli):

$ stat * | jc --stat


$ jc stat *

Usage (module):

import jc
result = jc.parse('stat', stat_command_output)


    "file":                     string,
    "link_to"                   string,
    "size":                     integer,
    "blocks":                   integer,
    "io_blocks":                integer,
    "type":                     string,
    "device":                   string,
    "inode":                    integer,
    "links":                    integer,
    "access":                   string,
    "flags":                    string,
    "uid":                      integer,
    "user":                     string,
    "gid":                      integer,
    "group":                    string,
    "access_time":              string,    # - = null
    "access_time_epoch":        integer,   # naive timestamp
    "access_time_epoch_utc":    integer,   # timezone-aware timestamp
    "modify_time":              string,    # - = null
    "modify_time_epoch":        integer,   # naive timestamp
    "modify_time_epoch_utc":    integer,   # timezone-aware timestamp
    "change_time":              string,    # - = null
    "change_time_epoch":        integer,   # naive timestamp
    "change_time_epoch_utc":    integer,   # timezone-aware timestamp
    "birth_time":               string,    # - = null
    "birth_time_epoch":         integer,   # naive timestamp
    "birth_time_epoch_utc":     integer,   # timezone-aware timestamp
    "unix_device":              integer,
    "rdev":                     integer,
    "block_size":               integer,
    "unix_flags":               string


$ stat /bin/* | jc --stat -p
    "file": "/bin/bash",
    "size": 1113504,
    "blocks": 2176,
    "io_blocks": 4096,
    "type": "regular file",
    "device": "802h/2050d",
    "inode": 131099,
    "links": 1,
    "access": "0755",
    "flags": "-rwxr-xr-x",
    "uid": 0,
    "user": "root",
    "gid": 0,
    "group": "root",
    "access_time": "2019-11-14 08:18:03.509681766 +0000",
    "modify_time": "2019-06-06 22:28:15.000000000 +0000",
    "change_time": "2019-08-12 17:21:29.521945390 +0000",
    "birth_time": null,
    "access_time_epoch": 1573748283,
    "access_time_epoch_utc": 1573719483,
    "modify_time_epoch": 1559885295,
    "modify_time_epoch_utc": 1559860095,
    "change_time_epoch": 1565655689,
    "change_time_epoch_utc": 1565630489,
    "birth_time_epoch": null,
    "birth_time_epoch_utc": null
    "file": "/bin/btrfs",
    "size": 716464,
    "blocks": 1400,
    "io_blocks": 4096,
    "type": "regular file",
    "device": "802h/2050d",
    "inode": 131100,
    "links": 1,
    "access": "0755",
    "flags": "-rwxr-xr-x",
    "uid": 0,
    "user": "root",
    "gid": 0,
    "group": "root",
    "access_time": "2019-11-14 08:18:28.990834276 +0000",
    "modify_time": "2018-03-12 23:04:27.000000000 +0000",
    "change_time": "2019-08-12 17:21:29.545944399 +0000",
    "birth_time": null,
    "access_time_epoch": 1573748308,
    "access_time_epoch_utc": 1573719508,
    "modify_time_epoch": 1520921067,
    "modify_time_epoch_utc": 1520895867,
    "change_time_epoch": 1565655689,
    "change_time_epoch_utc": 1565630489,
    "birth_time_epoch": null,
    "birth_time_epoch_utc": null

$ stat /bin/* | jc --stat -p -r
    "file": "/bin/bash",
    "size": "1113504",
    "blocks": "2176",
    "io_blocks": "4096",
    "type": "regular file",
    "device": "802h/2050d",
    "inode": "131099",
    "links": "1",
    "access": "0755",
    "flags": "-rwxr-xr-x",
    "uid": "0",
    "user": "root",
    "gid": "0",
    "group": "root",
    "access_time": "2019-11-14 08:18:03.509681766 +0000",
    "modify_time": "2019-06-06 22:28:15.000000000 +0000",
    "change_time": "2019-08-12 17:21:29.521945390 +0000",
    "birth_time": null
    "file": "/bin/btrfs",
    "size": "716464",
    "blocks": "1400",
    "io_blocks": "4096",
    "type": "regular file",
    "device": "802h/2050d",
    "inode": "131100",
    "links": "1",
    "access": "0755",
    "flags": "-rwxr-xr-x",
    "uid": "0",
    "user": "root",
    "gid": "0",
    "group": "root",
    "access_time": "2019-11-14 08:18:28.990834276 +0000",
    "modify_time": "2018-03-12 23:04:27.000000000 +0000",
    "change_time": "2019-08-12 17:21:29.545944399 +0000",
    "birth_time": null


def parse(data, raw=False, quiet=False)

Main text parsing function


data:        (string)  text data to parse
raw:         (boolean) unprocessed output if True
quiet:       (boolean) suppress warning messages if True


List of Dictionaries. Raw or processed structured data.

Parser Information

Compatibility: linux, darwin, freebsd

Source: jc/parsers/

Version 1.13 by Kelly Brazil (