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jc - JSON Convert INI file parser

Parses standard INI files.

Note: Values starting and ending with double or single quotation marks will have the marks removed. If you would like to keep the quotation marks, use the -r command-line argument or the raw=True argument in parse().

Usage (cli):

$ cat foo.ini | jc --ini

Usage (module):

import jc
result = jc.parse('ini', ini_file_output)


INI document converted to a dictionary - see the python configparser standard library documentation for more details.

  "<key1>":               string,
  "<key2>":               string,
  "<section1>": {
    "<key1>":             string,
    "<key2>":             string
  "<section2>": {
    "<key1>":             string,
    "<key2>":             string


$ cat example.ini
foo = fiz
bar = buz

fruit = apple
color = blue

fruit = pear
color = green

$ cat example.ini | jc --ini -p
  "foo": "fiz",
  "bar": "buz",
  "section1": {
    "fruit": "apple",
    "color": "blue"
  "section2": {
    "fruit": "pear",
    "color": "green"


def parse(data, raw=False, quiet=False)

Main text parsing function


data:        (string)  text data to parse
raw:         (boolean) unprocessed output if True
quiet:       (boolean) suppress warning messages if True


Dictionary representing the INI file.

Parser Information

Compatibility: linux, darwin, cygwin, win32, aix, freebsd

Source: jc/parsers/

Version 2.2 by Kelly Brazil (