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jc - JSON Convert date command output parser

The epoch calculated timestamp field is naive. (i.e. based on the local time of the system the parser is run on)

The epoch_utc calculated timestamp field is timezone-aware and is only available if the timezone field is UTC.

Usage (cli):

$ date | jc --date


$ jc date

Usage (module):

import jc
result = jc.parse('date', date_command_output)


  "year":               integer,
  "month":              string,
  "month_num":          integer,
  "day":                integer,
  "weekday":            string,
  "weekday_num":        integer,
  "hour":               integer,
  "hour_24":            integer,
  "minute":             integer,
  "second":             integer,
  "period":             string,
  "timezone":           string,
  "utc_offset":         string,      # null if timezone field is not UTC
  "day_of_year":        integer,
  "week_of_year":       integer,
  "iso":                string,
  "epoch":              integer,     # [0]
  "epoch_utc":          integer,     # [1]
  "timezone_aware":     boolean      # [2]

[0] naive timestamp
[1] timezone-aware timestamp. Only available if timezone field is UTC
[2] if true, all fields are correctly based on UTC


$ date | jc --date -p
  "year": 2021,
  "month": "Mar",
  "month_num": 3,
  "day": 25,
  "weekday": "Thu",
  "weekday_num": 4,
  "hour": 2,
  "hour_24": 2,
  "minute": 2,
  "second": 26,
  "period": "AM",
  "timezone": "UTC",
  "utc_offset": "+0000",
  "day_of_year": 84,
  "week_of_year": 12,
  "iso": "2021-03-25T02:02:26+00:00",
  "epoch": 1616662946,
  "epoch_utc": 1616637746,
  "timezone_aware": true


def parse(data, raw=False, quiet=False)

Main text parsing function


data:        (string)  text data to parse
raw:         (boolean) unprocessed output if True
quiet:       (boolean) suppress warning messages if True


Dictionary. Raw or processed structured data.

Parser Information

Compatibility: linux, darwin, freebsd

Source: jc/parsers/

This parser can be used with the --slurp command-line option.

Version 2.6 by Kelly Brazil (