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jc - JSON Convert asciitable parser

This parser converts ASCII and Unicode text tables with single-line rows.

Column headers must be at least two spaces apart from each other and must be unique. For best results, column headers should be left-justified. If column separators are present, then non-left-justified headers will be fixed automatically.

Row separators are optional and are ignored. Each non-row-separator line is considered a separate row in the table.

For example:

│ foo      │ bar     │ baz    │
│ good day │         │ 12345  │
│ hi there │ abc def │ 3.14   │


| foo        bar       baz    |
| good day             12345  |
| hi there   abc def   3.14   |


| foo      | bar     | baz    |
| good day |         | 12345  |
| hi there | abc def | 3.14   |


foo        bar       baz
---------  --------  ------
good day             12345
hi there   abc def   3.14


foo        bar       baz
good day             12345
hi there   abc def   3.14


Headers (keys) are converted to snake-case. All values are returned as strings, except empty strings, which are converted to None/null.

Note: To preserve the case of the keys use the -r cli option or raw=True argument in parse().

Usage (cli):

$ cat table.txt | jc --asciitable

Usage (module):

import jc
result = jc.parse('asciitable', asciitable_string)


    "column_name1":     string,    # empty string is null
    "column_name2":     string     # empty string is null


$ echo '
>     ╒══════════╤═════════╤════════╕
>     │ foo      │ bar     │ baz    │
>     ╞══════════╪═════════╪════════╡
>     │ good day │         │ 12345  │
>     ├──────────┼─────────┼────────┤
>     │ hi there │ abc def │ 3.14   │
>     ╘══════════╧═════════╧════════╛' | jc --asciitable -p
    "foo": "good day",
    "bar": null,
    "baz": "12345"
    "foo": "hi there",
    "bar": "abc def",
    "baz": "3.14"

$ echo '
>     foo        bar       baz
>     ---------  --------  ------
>     good day             12345
>     hi there   abc def   3.14'  | jc --asciitable -p
    "foo": "good day",
    "bar": null,
    "baz": "12345"
    "foo": "hi there",
    "bar": "abc def",
    "baz": "3.14"


def parse(data: str, raw: bool = False, quiet: bool = False) -> List[Dict]

Main text parsing function


data:        (string)  text data to parse
raw:         (boolean) unprocessed output if True
quiet:       (boolean) suppress warning messages if True


List of Dictionaries. Raw or processed structured data.

Parser Information

Compatibility: linux, darwin, cygwin, win32, aix, freebsd

Source: jc/parsers/

Version 1.2 by Kelly Brazil (